Augmented reality installation in Kuressaare urban space

The career course practical task with the purpose of practicing teamwork, communication, distribution of roles, planning, carrying out and analyzing the design project resulted for our team with huge gifts being implemented in front of Saaremaa Coeducational Gymnasium.

Vasakult Raili Sepp, Airi Astmäe ja Greta Joost koos kingipakkide installatsiooniga SYG ees

From the left Raili Sepp, Airi Astmäe and Greta Joost with gifts installation in front of SYG.

The target audience was youth aged 9-19 who we hoped would rather notice the possibilities of creation within the urban space than spend their time passively in web. The main purpose was to give them a possibility to interact with the installation, such as taking a photo with the installation and using it in the social media. Something like this:

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Leia ka teisi üllatusi Kuressaares! #kuressaareüllatus #kõigesuuremkingitus #teepiltimönuga #kuregift #sinaoledkikõigesuuremkingitus #kak #kuressaareametikool #syg #saaremaaühisgümnaasium #inspiredby #aakashnihalani #kooliprojekt #disain #designproject

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Equipment included the carton boxes from local companies that were deemed as trash, we also bought some tape and used acrylic colors. For the set up of the installation we searched for interesting places, degrading and empty walls that would be in the trajectory of our target. The run-up to Christmas had me affected and so the idea for huge gifts was born. We collectively cut, taped, painted, tagged with hashtags and installed these gifts in front of the school with Greta Joost and Raili Sepp.

Tutor: Merit Karise.