Airi Astmäe Portfoolio

Cartoon style drawing of a cardboard coloured present box with a pink ribbon around


Cartoon style drawing of a torch and year 2019

Tule tulemine 2019

Cartoon style drawing of a framed picture of a pig and text I'm beautiful


Cartoon style drawing of a seal head surrounded by water

Sealoman Prints

Cartoon style drawing of a bag with feather, cornflower and wave design

TK kotiprojekt

Cartoon style drawing of color yellow cyan and magenta splattering


Cartoon style drawing of a badge with a QR code and text 'They said I could be anything'


Cartoon style drawing of a hand writing the capital letter 'E'

Omakäekirjaline plakat

Cartoon style drawing of mandala with chestnuts and petals

Pille Pesti veebiprototüüp

Cartoon style drawing of myself
